Glidein Factory


A Glidein Factory is the glidein producing infrastructure of a glidein based WMS.



The main task of the Glidein Factory is to advertise itself, listen for requests from frontend clients and submit glideins. Look at the picture below for a schematic view.

A single glidein factory can handle multiple kinds of glideins, also called glidein entry points (as they usually point to different Grid resources). For each entry point, it will advertise a different class-ad.
Similarly, each request from a frontend client will affect a single entry point; a frontend will need to advertise several requests in order to have glideins submitted to all the desirable resources.

The Glidein Factory philosophy

The main idea behind a Glidein Factory is to make the life of a VO frontend as easy as possible. And to do that, the factory needs to abstract as much as possible.

For starters, the factory itself is the one that knows the details of various Grid sites and properly configures the glidein entry points, so they will run without any additional knowledge. A frontend only needs to know that an entry point exists, and the parameters it takes.

Additionally, the factory also does the submissions themselves. The frontend just publishes that it needs some glideins  and the factory will start submitting them. The only handle the frontend may want to use is the ability to regulate the rate of glideins that are sent to the Grid site. In the current implementation, this can be achieved by setting the desired number of idle glideins to be kept in the Grid queue.

The typical scenario features a frontend with several (hundreds or even thousands of) user jobs in the queue that is looking for resources to run them. It will fetch the factory classads, select the ones that satisfy its needs, and advertise class-ads with requests for those glideins. If the frontend ever runs out of user jobs, it will advertise the fact that it does not need those glideins anymore. In practical terms, this means asking the factory to keep exactly 0 idle glideins in the queue.

Implementation details

The Glidein Factory Daemon

The Glidein Factory is composed of several entry points. The Factory Daemon is really just a small process tasked to start and monitor the Factory Entry Daemons. See picture in the next section for a logical overview.

All daemons of a Glidein Factory share the same directory tree. The root of the tree contains the main configuration files used by the Factory daemon.

More details about the Glidein Factory Daemon internals can be found here.

The Factory Entry Daemons

The Glidein Factory is composed of several Factory Entry Daemons, each advertising itself and processing the incoming requests. See the picture below for a logical overview.

All daemons of a Glidein Factory share the same directory tree. The root of the tree contains the common startup and configuration files, while each entry point has a few additional configuration files on its own. Each entry point is completely described by these files on disk; the Factory Entry Daemons only extract information about entry point attributes and supported parameters needed for advertising. When glidein jobs are submitted, only the frontend provided parameters need to be given to the glidein startup script, as the script itself will autonomously gather all the other information.

More details about the Factory Entry Daemon internals can be found here.

The glidein startup script

As said in the overview,  a glidein is essentially a properly configured Condor startd. However, somebody needs to do that configuration. So we need a job startup script that will do the work.

A startup script needs to perform several tasks:

Given the complexity of the task, and for the sake of flexibility, it makes sense to split the script in several pieces. So the glidein job is composed of several pieces, including the startup script pieces, the Condor binaries, and a base configuration file.

However, having a Grid job with data files can represent a challenge; each Grid flavor treats data in a different way!

To make the system as general as possible, the Glidein Factory requires the use of a Web Server to distribute its data. This version of the Glide based Factory was tested with Apache and TUX, but any other web server should work just well, as only static file delivery is required.

A general overview of how a glidein starts up is given in the picture below.

The task of the basic startup script (called is thus reduced to loading the other files, including the support scripts, the base config files and the Condor binaries. The list of files to load is obtained from the Web server as one of the first steps, making the startup script completely generic.

Please notice two things. First, all the files transfered over the Web are signed using sha1sum. This prevents a hacker from tampering with the files while in transit. This is especially important for executables and scripts (to prevent arbitrary code to be executed), but is useful for configuration files too.

The signature checking is implemented in two steps:

  1. The signature of all the files to be transfered is saved in a file called signature.sha1 and stored on the Web server. The signature of the signature file is then passed as one of the parameters to the startup script.
  2. The startup script loads the signature file from the Web server and verifies its signature. All other downloads, including the file containing the list of other files, is checked against the values in the signature file. See the pseudo-code below.

    sha1sum known_sha1 signature.sha1
    if $?!=0 then
     exit 1
    grep files_list signature.sha1 > filelist.sha1
    sha1sum -c filelist.sha1
    if $?!=0 then
     exit 2
    for file in files_list.lst do
    sha1sum -c signature.sha1
    if $?!=0 then
     exit 3
    launch scripts

The second point I would like to stress are the advantages that come from using standard Web technologies. Web technologies are widely used nowadays and there is a plethora of tools that can be readily used. In our case, we can reduce the network load and speed startup times by using a Web cache near the worker nodes, if available. The Glidein Factory was tested with Squid, but other products should work as well. It is also worth mentioning that both OSG and gLite has expressed interest in deploying a Squid server on every Grid site.

More details about the startup script internals and support scripts provided by the current implementation can be found here.

Glidein Factory management

To run a Glidein Factory, you need to perform two steps:

  1. Create the configuration directories.
  2. Run the Glidein Factory Daemon who will internall start the Entry Daemons.
Warning: Never change the files in an entry point by hand after it has been created!.
Use the reconfig tools described below instead.

Creating a new configuration directory tree

To create an entry point you need:

The directory tree containing the entry points is created by launching the command

Another option is to use the provided installer.

Technical details of the configuration are described on a dedicated page .

Warning: Never change the files in an entry point by hand after it has been created!.
Use the reconfig tools described below instead.

Starting a Glidein Factory Daemon

The glidein factory comes with a init.d style startup script.

Glidein factory starting and stopping is handled by

<glidein directory>/factory_startup start|stop|restart

You can check that the factory is actually running with

<glidein directory>/factory_startup status

See the monitoring section on how to check other info.

Downtime handling

Starting with v1_3, the glidein factory supports the dynamic handling of downtimes.
Downtimes can be handled both at the factory and at the entry level.

Downtimes are useful when one or more Grid sites are known to have issues (can be anything from scheduled maintenance to a storage element corrupting user files).
In this case the factory administrator can temporarily stop submitting glideins to the affected sites, without stopping the factory as a whole.

Downtimes are handled with

<glidein directory>/factory_startup up|down 'factory'|<entry name> [<delay>]

If the entry points are linked to an information system (BDII or RESS), you can also use the following command to automatically adjust the downtime based on the information provided by that information system (i.e. the entry point will be marked up if and only if the information system claims the gatekeeper is accepting new jobs)

<glidein directory>/factory_startup infosysdown

Caution: An admin can handle downtimes both at the entry and at the factory level.
Please be aware that both will be used.

Note: Advanced users may also want to have a look at


Getting configuration information

To get the list of entries defined in the factory, use

<glidein directory>/factory_startup info -entries -CE

To see which entries are currently active, use

<glidein directory>/factory_startup statusdown entries

PS: Make sure the whole factory is not disabled, by using

<glidein directory>/factory_startup statusdown factory

Updating a configuration directory tree

The files in an entry point must never be changed by hand, after the directory structure has been created.

The reason why manual changes are so problematic are two fold:

There is only one file that is neither signed nor cached and can be thus modified; the blacklisting file called nodes.blacklist. This one can be used to temporarily blacklist malfunctioning nodes that would pass regular sanity checks (for example: memory corruption or I/O errors), while waiting for the Grid site admin to take action.

The proper procedure to update an entry point is to make a copy of the official configuration file (i.e. glideinWMS.xml) and run

<glidein directory>/factory_startup reconfig config_copy_fname

This will update the directory tree and restart the factory and entry dameons.

Please notice that if you make any errors in the new configuration file, the reconfig script will throw an error and do nothing. So you should never need to worry about corrupting the installation tree using this tool.

NOTE: The reconfig tool does not kill the factory in case of errors. Hence is recommended that you disable any entry points that will not be used.

Testing with a local glidein

In case of problems, you may want to test a glidein by hand.

Move to the glidein directory and run

./ entry_name fast -- GLIDEIN_Collector,,domain

. This will start a glidein on the local machine and pointing to the yourhost.your.domain collector.

Please make sure you have a valid Grid environment set up, including a valid proxy, as the glidein needs it in order to work.

Upgrading to a new version of glideinWMS

Upgrading a factory configuration tree to a new version of glideinWMS can be done in two ways:

Which option you choose is really up to you; the second one is easier, but the first one is cleaner and easier to revert back.

Glidein Factory Monitoring

Monitoring is an essential part of any service. One has to monitor to both maintain the health of the system and to tune the system for anticipated growth. The various ways you can monitor a Glidein Factory are described below.

Log files

Both the Factory Daemon, the Entry Daemons, Condor-G and the Glideins write extensive log files. The logs are kept for a week and then deleted.

The Glidein Factory Daemon log files are located in

<glidein directory>/log/factory_info.<date>.log
<glidein directory>/log/factory_err.<date>.log

Each Entry Daemon has its log files in

<glidein directory>/entry_<entry name>/log/factory_info.<date>.log
<glidein directory>/entry_<entry name>/log/factory_err.<date>.log

For each client an Entry Daemon is serving, one Condor-G job log is used

<glidein directory>/entry_<entry name>/log/condor_activity_<date>_<client-name>.log

Each Glidein also writes a couple of log files, that get transfered back to the factory node after the glidein terminates. The log files are named:

<glidein directory>/entry_<entry name>/log/job.<condor-g job nr>.out
<glidein directory>/entry_<entry name>/log/job.<condor-g job nr>.err

The Glidein .out files are readable using any text editor, while the .err files contain the compressed logs of the condor daemons.
Use the following commands to extract that information in simple text format

glideinWMS/factory/tools/ <err_fname>
glideinWMS/factory/tools/ <err_fname>
glideinWMS/factory/tools/ <err_fname>

Note: If you need Condor log files from a still running glidein, use the following Condor command

<condor dir>/sbin/condor_fetchlog -pool <pool collector> <glidein slot name> -startd MASTER|STARTD|STARTER

The Entry Daemons also summarize the information about completed glideins into

<glidein directory>/entry_<entry name>/log/completed_jobs_<date>.log

Looking at ClassAds

As explained in the Data exchange overview, the Entry Point Daemons expose a lot of monitoring information in the ClassAds sent to the WMS collector. While this may not be the most user friendly interface, most of the monitoring information you'll ever need is present there.

On top of the Condor provided tools, the factory provides two tools to look at the ClassAds; the first one returns a human readable, but limited text, while the other provides a complete XML-formated output


Web monitoring

The Glidein Factory Daemon and the Entry Point Daemons also create XML documents on a Web accessible area (see <glidein><monitor base_dir> on the configuration page). These xml files contain the same information you would get by fetching the ClassAds, in addition to a short summary.

Historical Web monitoring

The Entry Point Daemons will also create RRD databases and associated graphs for a period of up to one year. This way, one can easily monitor the evolution of the system.

Scalability considerations

To be written. Will be expanded in future versions of the manual.

For now, look at the installation instructions.






Since Aug. 14th - Igor Sfiligoi (Fermilab Computing Division)