JWT Authentication
1. Quick Reference Guide to JWT Authentication Setup
JWT configuration is conceptually similar to GSI configuration.
With GSI configuration:
- the auth files are either cert/host pairs or proxies
- HTCondor identities are mapped via condor_mapfiles.
the locations are either specified in
XML configurations or live in a
well known default
With JWT configuration:
the auth files are either
HTCondor identities are mapped via condor_mapfile for SCITOKENS.
- This is usually only done on an HTCondor CE in GWMS
HTCondor identities are taken from the subject: claim for IDTOKENS
IDTOKENS can have identities mapped with a condor_mapfile but
this is typically not done in GWMS
the locations are either either specified in
XML configurations or live in a
well known default
Service |
Comments |
User Pool (Collector) |
The user pool needs to have IDTOKENS authenticating it from
all of the seperate HTCondor machines it authenticates with.
This means that if the User Collector, Glidein Pool
Collector, User Schedd Nodes, and Glidein Frontend are all
on seperate nodes, they must each provide IDTOKENS to each
other. Admins for the various nodes must coordinate
condor_token_request and condor_token_request_approve
operations to distribute IDTOKENS as needed.
The recieved tokens are placed in
/etc/condor/tokens.d with root
IDTOKENS can be mapped to users via condor_mapfiles but are
usually not in a GWMS installation
WMS Pool (Collector) |
Same IDTOKENS requirements as User Pool Collector for
HTCondor Daemons on distinct machines.
Be aware that if there are multiple collecters for load
balancing or HA, such as and, the processes should be supplied with
two IDTOKENS issued from both and
Glidein (Through Glidein Factory) |
An IDTOKEN is generated by the frontend and passed on to the
glidein via the factory.
The factory creates a glidein with this IDTOKEN as a
payload, which it uses to authenticate back to the frontend
Operators do not typically need to involve themselves in
this process unless an IDTOKEN is suspected of being
compromised and needs to be revoked.
Glidein Frontend |
If the frontend is running HTCondor daemons, they have the
same IDTOKEN requirements as Collectors above
The frontend admin needs IDTOKENS for the frontend uid in
~frontend/.condor/tokens.d and
they must be owned by the frontend user.
A SCITOKEN must be generated and placed in the
<credentials> section of
to authorize submission to CEs
The CE admin must edit
/etc/condor-ce/mapfiles.d/10-scitokens.conf to map the
SCITOKEN to a uid.
The Factory admin needs to ensure that an <entry> with
auth_method="scitoken" exists in
Glidein Factory |
Same IDTOKENS requirements as User Pool Collector for
HTCondor Daemons on distinct machines.
As CE's switch from GSI to JWT authentication they need
corresponding <entry> lines with
auth_method="scitoken" in
User Schedd |
Same IDTOKENS requirements as User Pool Collector for
HTCondor Daemons on distinct machines.
Installation of GlideinWMS Factory or Frontend v 3.7.4 or greater will
be JWT authentication compatible.