GlideinWMS The Glidein-based Workflow Management System

Glidein Frontend


This document refers to the Glidein Frontend insalled via tarball. If you used the RPM installation (OSG documentation) the commands will be the same but most paths will be different.

There are several ways to monitor the VO Frontend:

VO Frontend entry Web monitoring

You can either monitor the frontend as a whole, or just a single entry point.

The frontend monitoring is located at a URL like the one below

Moreover, each frontend group has its own history on the Web.

Assuming you have a main group, it can be monitored at

VO frontend monitoring via WMS tools

You can get the equivalent of the Web page snaphot by using

cd glideinWMS/tools/
./ -pool

VO Frontend group log files

The VO Frontend writes two log files per entry point frontend_info.YYYYMMDD.log and frontend_err.YYYYMMDD.log.

Assuming you have a main group, the log files are in


All errors are reported in the frontend_err.YYYYMMDD.log. file, while frontend_info.YYYYMMDD.log contains entries about what the VO frontend is doing. You can change the log files and their level of detail by editing the process logs section of the configuration.

VO Frontend ClassAds in the WMS Collector

The VO Frontned also advertises summary information in the WMS collector.

Use condor_status:

condor_status -pool -any

and look for glideclient ads.

Pseudo Interactive Monitoring

The glideinWMS also provides pseudo interactive monitoring functionalities; a user can run short lived commands alongide any already running job in the queue.

To run a pseudo interactive command, move into


and run

./ jobid cmdline

There are also a set of useful often used commands that you may want to use:

  • jobid [subdir]
  • jobid fname
  • jobid
  • jobid [opts]